Honorary Fellowship
Honors international architects for their exceptional work and contributions to architecture and society on an international level.

Honoring exceptional international architects
The AIA Honorary Fellowship program recognizes international architects for their exceptional work and contributions to architecture and society on an international level. Recipients of Honorary Fellowship are elevated to the College of Fellows.
Questions about the application process? Email AIA Awards. Questions about the College of Fellows? Email COF.
2024 Honorary Fellows
Meet the AIA Honorary Fellows 2024—recognized for their exceptional contributions on an international level.
The following individuals have been recognized as Honorary AIA Fellows for their exceptional work and contributions to architecture and society on an international level.
Josep Miàs, Hon. FAIA
Héctor Esrawe, Hon. FAIA
Below is high-level information about the program criteria to help you determine if you are a good fit for the Honorary Fellowship. For full criteria and guidelines, please refer to the submission guide in the Resources tab.
“An architect of esteemed character and distinguished achievements who is not entitled to practice architecture in any state of the United States, is not a resident of the United States, and does not primarily practice architecture within the domain of the Institute, may be admitted to Honorary Fellowship.”
—AIA Bylaws, section 2.51.
Honorary Fellowship is open to architects:
- Not licensed to practice architecture in any U.S. state.
- Do not primarily live or practice in the U.S.
Any AIA member may nominate qualified individuals for Honorary Fellowship. Your nominator may also serve as your sponsor, if eligible.
Objects of Nomination
Object One: Design, urban design, or preservation
To promote the aesthetic, scientific, and practical efficiency of the profession.
Fellowship in this object is granted to architects who have produced extensive bodies of distinguished work that has been broadly recognized for its design excellence through design, urban design, or preservation. This may be accomplished through individual or organizational effort. Works submitted may be of any size, for any client, of any scope, and reflecting any type of architectural design service.
Object Two: Practice Management, or Practice Technical Advancement
To advance the science and art of planning and building by advancing the standards of practice.
Fellowship in this object is granted to architects who have made notable contributions through their work in the practice of architecture. Practice management includes firm management, administration, and project management. Practice technical advancement includes specific building types and technical expertise. For example, practice technical advancement of preservation projects might be based on the architect’s strong commitment to historical research, implementation of unique preservation techniques, and coupled with their strong focus on the actual construction implementation to enhance our physical heritage.
Object Three: Led the Institute, or a related organization
To coordinate the building industry, and the profession of architecture.
Fellowship in this object is granted to architects who have actively, efficiently, and cooperatively led the Institute or a related professional organization over a sustained period of time and have gained widespread recognition for the results of their work.
Object Four: Public service, government, industry, or organization
To ensure the advancement of the living standards of people through their improved environment.
Fellowship in this object is granted to architects who have made notable contributions in public service or work in government or industry organizations through leadership in the development of civic improvements and needed governmental projects, including such elements as conservation, beautification, land-use regulation, transportation, or the removal of blighted areas, or who have clearly raised the standards of professional performance in these areas by advancing the administration of professional affairs in their fields.
Object Five: Alternative career, volunteer work with organizations not directly connected with the built environment, or service to society
To make the profession of ever-increasing service to society.
Fellowship in this object is granted to architects who have made notable contributions to one of the following: an alternative career related to architecture that illustrates outstanding achievements that supports the architectural profession; extensive volunteer work with organizations not directly connected with the built environment; or service that transcends the customary architectural practice that have wide reaching impacts that serve as a national model.
Object Six: Education, Research, Literature
To advance the science and art of planning and building by advancing the standards of architectural education and training.
Fellowship in this object is granted to architects who have made notable contributions through their work in education, research, or literature. Work in education may be teaching, research, administration, or writing and should have a lasting impact, be widely recognized, and provide inspiration to others in the field and the profession. Research areas may include building codes and standards, specifications, new material applications, or inventions.
For more information on opening and deadline dates, please see AIA Awards FAQ.
Submission guide & forms
The 2024 AIA Sample Honorary Fellowship Application contains the full criteria and guidelines for the program, as well as a preview of every field you will be asked to complete on the submission site.
The DQ checklist includes potential criteria that can result in disqualification. Use it to cross-check your materials before you hit the submit button.
Examples of successful applications
Each year jurors and staff identify exemplary submissions to guide you in preparing your own materials. Ultimately, your submission should be unique to you, but it can be helpful to see visual examples of how previous candidates have told their stories.
To request a copy of a submission not listed here, you can email our archivist. While the criteria are not identical, it can be helpful to review best examples of Fellowship submissions as well.
Object One: Design, urban design, or preservation
2022 Waro Kishi (Design)
2020 Andrew Fox Bromberg (Design)
Xiangming Huang, Shanghai TIANHUA Architecture Planning & Engineering Ltd., Shanghai, China
Jiang Wu, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Phillip F. Yuan, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Waro Kishi, Hon FAIA, K.ASSOCIATES/Architects CO., LTD, Tokyo, Japan
Laurent J. Duport, Société d'Architecture Laurent Duport, Nimes, France
Andrew Fox Bromberg, Hon. FAIA, Andrew Bromberg Architects, Hong Kong
Bjarke Ingels, Hon. FAIA, BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group, København V, Denmark
Regine Leibinger, Hon. FAIA, Barkow Leibinger, Berlin, Germany
Zhu Pei, Hon. FAIA, Studio Zhu-Pei, Beijing, China
Tiantain Xu, Hon. FAIA, DnA_Design and Architecture, Beijing, China
Emre Arolat, Hon. FAIA, Emre Arolat Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey
Sandra Barclay, Hon. FAIA, Barclay & Crousse Architecture, Lima Peru
Alberto Campo Baeza, Hon. FAIA, Estudio Arquitectura Campo Baeza, Madrid Spain
Nathalie de Vries, Hon. FAIA, MVRD, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Jane Duncan, Hon. FAIA, Jane Duncan Architects, Ltd., Little Chalfont, United Kingdom
Amanda Levete, Hon. FAIA, AL_A, London, United Kingdom
Esa Mohamed, Hon. FAIA, Akitek Jururancang (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Pei Ing Tan, Hon. FAIA, PI Architect, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Jacob van Rijs, Hon. FAIA, MVRDV, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Sathirut Tandanand, Hon. FAIA, Dhevanand Co. Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand
Taro Ashihara, Hon. FAIA, Kokushikan University, Tokyo, Japan
Mario Cucinella, Hon. FAIA, Mario Cucinella Architects Srl, Bologna, Italy
Stein Halvorsen, Hon. FAIA, Stein Halvorsen Arkitekter AS, Oslo, Norway
Giancarlo Mazzanti, Hon. FAIA, El Equipo de Mazzanti, Bogotá, Colombia
Bong-Seok Oh, Hon. FAIA, DONG IL Architects & Engineers Co. Ltd., Seoul, South Korea
Jose Luis Salinas, Hon. FAIA, Arquitectura y Diseno SCMTM, San José, Costa Rica
Javier Sordo Madaleno Bringas, Hon. FAIA, Grupo Sordo Madaleno, Mexico City, Mexico
Bruno Stagno, Hon. FAIA, Bruno Stagno Arquitecto y Asociados, San José, Costa Rica
Ishtiaque Zahir, Hon. FAIA, Vitti Sthapati Brindo Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hayder Ahmed Ali, Hon. FAIA, Hayder A. Ali Architects & Building Consultants, Sudan
Louisa Hutton, Hon. FAIA, Sauerbruch Hutton, Germany
Don Kasian, Hon. FAIA, Kasian Architecture Interior Design and Planning LTD, British Columbia
Teodoro Fernández Larrañaga, Hon. FAIA, Teodoro Fernández Arquitectos Compañía Limitada, Chile
John McAslan, Hon. FAIA, John McAslan + Partners, UK
Reiulf Ramstad, Hon. FAIA, Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter AS, Norway
Yoshihiko Sano, Hon. FAIA, Yasui Architects & Engineers Inc., Japan
Denise Scott Brown, Hon. FAIA, VSBA Architects and Planners, US
Gonzalo Mardones Viviani, Hon. FAIA, Gonzalo Mardones Arquitecto, Chile
Pedro Gubbins Foxley, Hon. FAIA, Gubbins Arquitectos Consultores, Chile
Hongyuan Mei, Hon. FAIA, The Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT, People's Republic of China
Fuensanta Nieto, Hon. FAIA, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos S.L.P., Spain
Jo Noero, Hon. FAIA, Noero Architects, South Africa
Enrique Sobejano, Hon. FAIA, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos S.L.P., Spain
Guillermo Vazquez Consuegra, Hon. FAIA, Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra Arquitecto S.L.P., Spain
Antonio Cruz, Hon. FAIA, Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos, Spain
Antonio Ortiz, Hon. FAIA, Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos, Spain
Kris Yao, Hon. FAIA, Artech Architects, Taiwan, ROC