AIA Resilient Project Process Guide
AIA’s Resilient Project Process Guide helps architects and designers integrate resilient and climate-adaptive solutions into their design process.

Resilient design solutions
In a time where compounding shocks and stresses increasingly impact the built environment, there is a need for architects to design a resilient and climate-adaptive future. Both go hand-in-hand by working to safeguard communities. By understanding and communicating project vulnerabilities and associated risks to clients, architects play a unique role in addressing resilience challenges in their work throughout the design phases.
To support architects in designing a resilient, climate-adaptive built environment, the Resilient Project Process Guide presents a series of questions for architects to engage clients coupled with additional resources for architects to act upon. This actionable resource, organized by project phase, identifies the points in which resilience and climate adaptation goals can be layered into specific design solutions.
Each phase includes:
- A description of resilient practice within the phase.
- Collaborators and stakeholders who share responsibility for developing the resilient standards and measures.
- Questions to guide design decisions about project conditions, client needs, and community values.
- Guidance for documenting the decision-making process.
- Tools and resources for further investigation.

Resource sponsor
AIA is grateful to Glen-Gery for their support of this resource.