Good Samaritan State Statute Compendium
Good Samaritan laws afford liability protection to architects providing disaster assistance. This resource explores the advantages of such laws, details state protections for architects, and includes AIA model legislation.

Protecting architects who aid communities
Architects are more than willing to volunteer their efforts to help communities rebuild after disasters. They shouldn't have to be concerned about possible liability issues after generously giving their time.
Good Samaritan legislation affords critical liability protection to architects providing disaster assistance. A number of states have adopted Good Samaritan laws intended to provide at least some protection to licensed architects against liability for voluntary services during a government-declared disaster, whether man-made or natural.
The Good Samaritan State Statute Compendium discusses the advantages of Good Samaritan laws, details each state's Good Samaritan protections for architects, and includes AIA model legislation for those interested in understanding and advocating for the adoption of such legislation by states. Related, but not included, are laws pertaining to the portability of licensure. Architects licensed within the state for which the law is enacted are typically only eligible to provide volunteer disaster assistance. Some jurisdictions will allow unlicensed professionals to volunteer so long as they work alongside a licensed professional.