Guide to Building Reuse for Climate Action
Learn how to make smart climate action decisions at the least cost in this architect's guide on the renovation and adaptive reuse of existing buildings.

Sustainable design strategies for building reuse
About half of the U.S. building stock is over 40 years old and an estimated 28% of global emissions come from the fuel and electricity consumed by existing buildings. Simply put, there is no path to zero emissions without zeroing out emissions from America’s 325 billion square feet of existing buildings.
Today's Buildings for Tomorrow: Guide to Building Reuse for Climate Action is a resource for architects engaged in renovating and adapting existing buildings to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Its primary goal is to equip architects with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions that promote sustainability and resilience while minimizing costs.
Use this guide to:
- Learn the right questions architects should consider when approaching and designing a project
- Identify valuable resources to help with site planning, building systems, sustainable materials, and more
- Understand seven real-world case studies that illustrate practical strategies for climate action
Equip yourself with practical strategies to sustainably renovate existing buildings.
Z Smith, FAIA | EskewDumezRipple
Kelsey Wotila, AIA | Foresight Management
Lara Kaufman, Architect | Studio Gang
Douglas Flandro, Associate | CambridgeSeven
Allison Anderson, FAIA |Unabridged Architecture
Helena Zambrano, AIA | Mahlum
Nakita Reed, AIA, Senior Associate | Quinn Evans
Z Smith, FAIA | EskewDumezRipple
Carl Sterner, AIA | Sol Design + Consulting
Allison Anderson, FAIA | Unabridged Architecture
Mark Brandt, RAIC |TRACE Architectures
Steph Carlisle, Senior Researcher | Carbon Leadership Forum
Alyse Falconer, PE | Point Energy Innovations
Lori Ferris, AIA, PE |Cameron MacAllister Group
Luke Leung, PE | Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM)
Nathan Lott | Preservation Resource Center New Orleans, Historic Macon
Patrick Murphy, PE | Vanderweil Engineers
Julia Siple, AIA | Quinn Evans
Larry Strain, FAIA | Siegel & Strain
Allison Wilson, AIA | Ayers Saint Gross
Helena Zambrano, AIA | Mahlum
Eana Bacchiocchi
Kathleen Lane, AIA
Stacy Moses
Melissa Morancy, Associate AIA
Kyri Schafer
Luz Toro, Int’l. Assoc. AIA

Resource sponsors
AIA is grateful to James Hardie and ROCKWOOL for their support of this resource.