Science and Environmental Center
The award-winning sustainable design of the Science and Environmental Center creates a net zero carbon learning center to foster social acuity and environmental citizenship in the imaginative young minds of its students.

Project highlights: Science and Environmental Center
- Architecture Firm: Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects
- Owner: Nueva School
- Location: Hillsborough, Calif.
- Project site: Previously developed land
- Building program type(s): Education - K-12 school
The new net zero carbon Science and Environmental Center is the embodiment of The Nueva School’s mission to spark a passion for lifelong learning and foster social acuity and environmental citizenship in the imaginative young minds of its students. The center supports the independent school’s evolving mission that is rooted in sustainability and environmental stewardship as a central tenet of student education. It houses the school’s environmental citizenship program that features eight science labs and associated support spaces that welcome all grades to explore the important connections between humans and the natural environment. Indoor and outdoor learning spaces are linked to shape an “ecology of learning” wherein students practice sustainability, conduct environmental and social studies, and collaboratively explore potential solutions to a broad range of environmental challenges.
AIA Framework for Design Excellence principles
The zero net carbon Science and Environmental Center embodies The Nueva School’s mission to inspire passion for lifelong learning, foster social acuity and environmental citizenship, and develop the child's imaginative mind, enabling students to learn how to make choices that will benefit the world. Founded in 1967, The Nueva School is an independent school, with the Hillsborough campus serving over 500 students from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade. The 33-acre campus, located in the semi-rural coastal hills of the San Francisco Peninsula, features a thriving coastal live oak woodland ecosystem, a variety of dispersed structures, and dramatic views of San Francisco Bay.
Ecology of learning
The new Science and Environmental Center supports the school’s evolving mission of sustainability and environmental stewardship as a foundational pillar of student education. It provides a new home for the school’s environmental citizenship program with eight science labs and associated support spaces that bring together pre-kindergarten through eighth-grade classes to explore the interconnectedness of humans and the natural environment. Linked indoor and outdoor learning spaces create an “ecology of learning” where students practice sustainability, conduct environmental and social studies, and debate solutions to a broad range of environmental challenges.
Weaving together
The design integrates straightforward, appropriate, and cost-effective sustainable design solutions that provide practical and poetic connections between people and the natural world. The building shape echoes the landform, following the topography of the hillside to minimize excavation and maximize outdoor education space that extend ground-floor classrooms. The narrow floor plate minimizes impacts on the site’s existing natural features while maximizing daylighting and natural ventilation within the classrooms, two passive strategies that connect students to the seasonal rhythms of the site while reducing energy loads in the building.
The Canopy Walk provides a universally accessible journey through the forest that connects the new Environmental Center with the existing Hillside Learning Complex. The previously disturbed landscape in this area was restored to an oak woodland habitat with native and adapted planting to promote biodiversity. This heightened beauty and presence of the native ecology further grounds us to place, reminding students and visitors of the active role we must take in conservation and stewardship. The project includes eight classrooms and support spaces that provide a variety of innovative educational environments that connect students and faculty to the world around them, promoting environmental stewardship and lifelong learning daily.
Through a variety of simple, observable systems and strategies, the project is designed to be zero net energy/zero net carbon—an all-electric building that models a resilient, low-carbon future. Energy-efficient building systems combined with a high-performance building envelope reduce building EUI to 23, a 71% reduction from baseline. A 100 kW photovoltaic array provides energy production to offset the building’s anticipated annual energy use. As climate change continues to impact California’s potable water supply, the project takes an active role in reducing potable water use by 89% below baseline.
Equitable experience
The Science and Environmental Center is central to the school’s environmental citizenship program, so it was paramount that the building be welcoming to all students and community members. The Canopy Walk was developed to connect the new building directly with the Student Center and the heart of the campus, inviting everyone to share the experience of gliding through the restored native ecology of the site. A series of ramps meeting stringent universal design requirements hover above the landscape, offering expanded landings to linger, whether stopping to talk with a fellow student or to write a poem inspired by the smell of spring blossoms. The experience of nature along the Canopy Walk reinforces the biophilic connection to the land, its vibrant ecology, and vistas of the region beyond. This experience serves as both a sensory introduction and a transition to the more focused environmental studies that take place at the Science and Environmental Center. It’s an experience that speaks to our common humanity.
Design intent
Who does the project serve? Identify the stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by the project.
As a “private school with a public purpose,” The Nueva School and this building specifically serve both the academic and broader community. It supports and celebrates shared natural open space and native ecologies; it welcomes and provides financial aid to a diverse student body from throughout the region. It also serves as an educational model regionally and nationally, hosting summer camps, frequent educator conferences and workshops, and other events that advance the role of ecological design thinking in 21st-century education.
Describe the stakeholder engagement process over the course of the project.
A series of workshops were held with various stakeholder groups, including students, staff, faculty, parents, alumni, and residential neighbors. The discussions and outcomes of the workshops were documented in writing and shared at subsequent meetings. As the project’s design developed, the school held meetings targeting adjacent neighbors to build consensus for the project. When the town held public meetings to review and approve the project design, there was no opposition to the project, and it was unanimously approved.
Identify project goals that support equitable communities and describe how those goals were developed.
Preserving and enhancing access to open space on the campus was a central goal of the project. The benefits of preservation extend beyond the project site to the greater community, which benefits from the preservation of native flora and fauna that support migratory birds and other wildlife. Enhanced universal access to the open space allows for all community members, regardless of their ability, to experience the seasonal rhythms of the native ecology.
Describe the project team's explorations or design strategies that respond to the above-stated goals.
The project team preserved open space by reducing the building footprint, conforming to existing topography, and selecting a previously disturbed site. Exterior circulation along the building is cantilevered from the structure, minimizing the foundation work and disturbance to existing open space. Similarly, the Canopy Walk is supported by single columns that allow the native planting and site drainage to continue beneath the elevated path. The existing open space adjacent to the building was regenerated with the planting of new oak trees and other native understory plants that support local biodiversity.
Describe stories or evidence that demonstrate how the project successfully contributes toward more equitable communities.
The Canopy Walk has developed into the main circulation path to the Environmental Center. It is a celebratory walk through the restored forest canopy that all students experience as part of their daily movement across the campus. The Canopy Walk also supports universal access to the greater community who participate in conferences, summer camps, and other community events hosted by the school.
Every community is unique, and every project has unique opportunities to respond to issues of equity and inclusion. Describe any exemplary practices or outcomes for this project.
Mobility needs and requirements
Embracing the idea of universal access early in the design process, we explored options for providing a direct, accessible path from the existing campus development to the new building. Due to the significant vertical grade change between the new and existing buildings, we developed the Canopy Walk that extends from the Student Center ground floor to the second floor of the Environmental Center. An elevator accessed from the exterior of the building goes to the first floor and basement, which provides access to the adjacent forest and open-space preserve.
Community health impacts
The new ventilation system uses outside air filtered by MERV13 filters. During the increasingly frequent California wildfires, healthy indoor air quality can be maintained for all occupants of the building, providing a safe haven. If needed in the future, the system is designed to accommodate even higher filtration levels.
The project is located on the San Francisco Peninsula, an area defined by a Mediterranean climate with vegetation zones that include chaparral, coastal scrub, coastal oak forest, and grassland. The project touches the land lightly and pursues a landscaping strategy that promotes biodiversity, incorporates carbon sequestration, and reinforces an immersive, visceral experience of the rhythms of the natural world.
The project’s elevated Canopy Walk serves as a transition from the main campus and an introduction to the restored and protected natural ecosystem. Upon arrival, the new building is experienced as both a literal and figurative threshold to the natural world, carefully woven into and following the arc of the land across a ridge line and integrated with the natural topography to minimize its impact on the natural setting. Restored native habitat accounts for 400% of the building footprint. Building materials and colors derive from the native materials of the site, reinforcing an intuitive connection to the land.
These strategies combine to link daily experience to the drama of the hillside, the native ecology, and dramatic views of the bay beyond, connecting students to the multivalent layers of their environment.
Design intent
How does the design minimize negative impacts on animals?
The restored native habit provides a natural ecosystem for a diversity of animals, such as birds, deer, and coyotes. All site lighting for the project meets LEED requirements for light pollution reduction and is dark sky compliant, supporting wildlife species that hunt or forage at night. Glazing sizes are minimized to make them more visible to birds in flight.
How does the project support biodiversity and improve ecosystem services?
All new planting complements the existing native trees to expand and diversify the hardwood forest canopy, complementing it with an understory of native shrubs and ground cover, consistent with the local floral-faunal complex. The project occupies a steep hillside, where the stability of the slopes and slowing of rainwater run-off are paramount. Soil preservation and dense planting contribute to this goal.
86.1% of site area was vegetated (landscape or green roof) pre-development.
64.4% of the site area is vegetated (landscape or green roof) post-development.
There was a 0% increase in vegetated area, post-development.
100% of the vegetated areas are planted with native species.
Located in a semi-arid climate that experiences increasingly frequent and severe droughts, the project mitigates the impacts of stormwater drainage and reduces potable water use in the building by over 89%.
Building water conservation
Water-saving fixtures, along with a stormwater reuse system, were designed to reduce potable water consumption by 70% from baseline. The measured potable water use for the building in 2021 was 89% below the baseline.
Explore the center’s strategies and outcomes for water conservation in Fig. 1 Design for Water.
Site water conservation
Draught-tolerant native landscaping and drip irrigation systems reduce landscape water use by 62% from baseline. Irrigation water use was optimized in the design by accommodating hydro zones and climate exposure.
Stormwater management
By locating the new building around a natural ridge, the project minimizes the disturbance of natural drainage patterns. A stormwater management plan reduces site drainage to a practical minimum given the high clay content of native soils and steep slopes. Stormwater from the roof of the center is collected in a 10,000-gallon underground storage tank for reuse in the building toilets, further reducing reliance on potable water.
Design intent
Describe how the project's stormwater and potable water strategies contribute to site and community resilience.
The building reduced potable water use by 89% in 2021. Capturing stormwater from the building roof for reuse in toilets plays a critical role in potable water use reduction, as the stormwater reuse system was designed to provide over half of the building's water needs. With permeable surfaces and dense planting, stormwater run-off is minimized, detained, and bio-filtered, preserving water quality in the seasonal streams that drain into San Francisco Bay.
Describe the quality of the water that runs off the site.
Stormwater that is not reused in the building is captured, conveyed to, and treated by the on-site bioretention basins. The treatment basins remove 80% of the total suspended solids before the water is discharged off-site.
Water use intensity (gal/sf/year)
Benchmark: 14.6
Predicted: 19.2
Measured: 1.6
Reduction in potable water use (from benchmark)
Predicted: -31%
Measured: 89.2%
Total annual water demand met using potable sources
Predicted: 76.6%
Measured: 89.2%
100% of stormwater is managed on-site.
Please explain if a mandatory metric is unavailable or a metric requires additional interpretive information.
- Our project is penalized for having more exterior landscape area that requires irrigation than a typical building that the benchmark water use is based on.
- Per our LEED-approved documentation, our site water reduction is 62% below baseline. This is reflected in the super spreadsheet documentation and translates to a 59% reduction in the spreadsheet.
- Per our LEED-approved documentation, our building water reduction is 78%.
- This is reflected in the documentation and translates to a 76% reduction in the spreadsheet. With indoor and outdoor water use significant reduction below baseline, we don't feel the predicted water use of -31% percent is correct.
Building efficiency
The building was designed as a simple structure to minimize conditioned area; maximize plan, structure, and skin efficiencies; and reduce material use. The exterior stairs and corridors reduce wall area and conditioned space. The net-to-gross floor area ratio is 95%, extremely efficient for a school building. The building mass is minimally articulated, resulting in simple, highly efficient structural systems and reduced surface area. Wherever possible, structural systems are left exposed as finish material.
More with less
The exterior circulation allows the classrooms to have windows at each side of the room, maximizing daylighting and natural ventilation, two passive systems that reduce building energy loads and operation costs. Ceiling fans are provided to further promote air circulation and increase thermal comfort. This strategy allowed for mechanical cooling and associated costs to be eliminated from the project. The exterior circulation on the second floor also acts as a sunshade, blocking daylight from entering the classrooms in warmer late spring and summer afternoons. A low window-to-wall ratio of 13% maximizes daylight, views, and natural ventilation for the classrooms while providing an energy-efficient exterior envelope that reduces thermal bridging and conserves interior thermal comfort.
Design intent
How does this project contribute to local and/or disadvantaged economies?
As part of a school program, the Science and Environmental Center supports the education of a diverse student body from many different local economies. The project is the cornerstone of Nueva’s environmental citizenship program, which “brings together the concepts of advocacy, compassion, and empowerment as we strive to take care of ourselves, others, and the world we live in.”
How did design choices reduce system sizes and minimize materials usage, allowing for lower cost and more efficiently designed systems/structure?
To minimize building footprint and foundation costs, the project efficiently fits two stories within the 32-foot height limit in the local code. A series of faceted plans allow for a simple steel structure to form the curvilinear building that follows the topography of the hillside.
How did life cycle cost analysis influence the project's design?
The building’s steel structure was optimized to provide for future flexibility of the interior space, allowing the building to readily adapt to future programmatic needs. The steel structure became part of the building’s finish, reducing upfront building costs.
The Science and Environmental Center incorporates all-electric building systems and is zero net energy/zero net carbon.
Explore the center’s strategies for zero net operation energy in Fig. 2 Design for Energy.
Passive systems
The linear form of the building allows for classrooms to have ample access to daylight and natural ventilation, reducing the energy loads associated with lighting and mechanical cooling.
Active systems
An all-electric heat pump system provides in-floor radiant hydronic heating to all spaces. With the addition of ceiling fans to promote air circulation and natural ventilation, mechanical cooling was eliminated from the project. Energy recovery ventilators provide 100% outside air when the classrooms are occupied. System controls are straightforward, appropriate to the simple conditioning strategies employed. LED lighting reduces overall lighting power density by 49%. A 100 kW photovoltaic array offsets the building's energy use over the course of the year. The design focused on maximizing the on-site renewable energy potential of the photovoltaic array. This included extensive studies on ways to minimize the impacts of shadowing from adjacent mature trees. A highly efficient panel along with optimizers was incorporated into the final design. The measured on-site energy production for the 2021–2022 school year was 140,685 kWh, 11% above the anticipated production.
Describe any energy challenges associated with the building type, intensity of use, or hours of operation, and how the design responds to these challenges.
The photovoltaic system was oversized by 20% beyond the modeled energy use to allow flexibility as the educational needs, goals, and pedagogy evolve over time. Oversizing the photovoltaic system allowed the building to meet its annual net zero energy goal during the height of the COVID pandemic, which had increased energy loads due to classroom doors remaining open during the day and mechanical ventilation running continuously.
Is the building all-electric? Yes.
In its measured usage, including on-site renewables, did the project achieve its 2030 Commitment reduction target (70% reduction by 2015, 80% reduction by 2020)? Yes.
The project's total carbon (embodied + operational) over 10 years in kg CO2e is 401,304.
There is a 100% reduction (inclusive of renewables) from benchmark, measured.
100% of total energy is derived from renewable sources, measured.
There is a 100% reduction (inclusive of renewables) in operational carbon from benchmark, measured.
The design promotes a healthy learning community and individual well-being, emphasizing simple solutions that maximize user comfort, social engagement, and connections to nature while reducing first cost and long-term maintenance. All (100%) of the regularly occupied spaces have access to operable windows, natural daylighting, and views to nature. Material selection, including no-VOC paints and adhesives, formaldehyde-free materials, and linoleum flooring, combined with 100% fresh air mechanical ventilation ensures healthy indoor air quality. All classrooms incorporate high NRC-rated acoustical ceiling materials to absorb sound and cushioned linoleum flooring to reduce footfall reverberation. Exterior stairs and ramps are centrally located to encourage active vertical circulation around the building and adjacent site. Due to the open-air circulation and excellent access to natural ventilation, the building easily adapted to the health requirements of the COVID pandemic; however, the pandemic has also delayed post-occupancy evaluation.
Explore the center’s strategies for human health, including ventilation and material specification, in Fig. 3 Design for Well-being.
Design intent
Was a chemicals of concern list or other third-party framework used to inform material selection? If so, how?
Both LEED IAQ requirements and CalGreen standards were used to inform material selection. Additional materials, such as vinyl, were also on a “do not use” list and excluded from the project.
How did the project advocate for greater transparency in building material supply chains?
All (100%) of the wood on the project is FSC certified, supporting supply chain efforts to responsibly harvest wood. Additionally, products with EPDs and HPDs were prioritized during the design phase. The completed project used over 40 products with an EPD, HPD, or third-party certification.
64% of the regularly occupied area is daylit (sDA 300/50%).
64% of the regularly occupied area is compliant with annual glare criteria (ASE 1000, 250).
100% of the regularly occupied area has quality views.
100% of the regularly occupied area has access to operable windows.
The design goal for maximum C02 is 800 ppm. The goal is relative to an absolute value.
Building materials were selected for economy, durability, and resource efficiency. The overall shape of the building models resource efficiency, relying on an efficient structural steel system that provides long-term durability. Acknowledging that ecological conservation and social responsibility extend beyond the project site, 100% of the interior and exterior wood is FSC certified from responsibly managed forests on the West Coast. Fifteen percent of building materials are made from recycled materials, including steel, concrete, cotton insulation, and aluminum. During construction, 89% of site and construction debris was recycled and diverted from landfills.
“The sustainability measures were impressive – 100% wood being FSC certified stood out, 100% energy provided by PVs, 100% stormwater reuse, they addressed a lot of key things which I appreciated.”—Jury comment
Design intent
Did embodied carbon considerations inform the design? How?
- Embodied carbon reduction strategies include:
- High cement replacement ratio in concrete
- Reduction of building footprint to reduce concrete foundation requirements
- Elimination of above-grade concrete shear walls
- Long-span steel frame building to maximize flexibility
- Wood siding to reduce embodied carbon in building envelope
Did the idea of circularity/circular economy inform the design? How?
Using almost 20% recycled materials (by cost), the Science and Environmental Center reflects the circular economy. The primary steel structure for the building includes over 60% recycled content. Steel was utilized to provide long spans that will allow interior spaces to be adapted to meet future needs. Given the durability of its basic structural materials and the rapidly escalating value of embodied carbon in our society, there is every reason to believe the center will live on through many future iterations.
Describe any special steps taken during design/construction to make disassembly, deconstruction, or reuse easier at the building's end of life.
Since the building is primarily built of cast-in-place concrete and steel, design for disassembly was not a factor in the project. However, ease of future adaptation was a focus. Interior spaces are generally large and open, lacking specialized equipment or infrastructure. As a result, the building is designed to lend itself easily to future adaptation as the school’s needs evolve over time.
0% of project floor area was reused or adapted from existing buildings.
Was embodied carbon modeled? Yes.
42.7 kgCO2e/sf is the project's embodied carbon intensity.
100% of the installed wood is FSC certified.
Buildings that teach
The project’s sustainable strategies visibly demonstrate how human interventions can be sensitive to the local environment and support regional ecologies. The school regularly uses the building as the threshold for exploration of the native open space beyond. The team has presented the project to students, and sustainable architecture is now a part of the school’s curriculum.
Explore the center’s innovative building strategies in Fig. 4 Design for Discovery.
Energy and Water Performance Monitoring
Energy and water goals were established at the beginning of the design process. Each strategy incorporated into the project was analyzed for its impact on energy and water use. After one year of monitoring, we are encouraged by the results. Water use was lower than anticipated, and on-site renewable energy generation was higher than proposed. We are currently investigating the energy impacts of increased ventilation due to COVID.
Advocacy and sharing lessons
Through tours, public events, and conferences, The Nueva School continues to advocate for environmental education. This building is a key part of putting their mission—“learn by doing, learn by caring”—into action. The project promotes individual health and well-being while demonstrating environmental and social responsibility. The environment fosters lifelong learning for tomorrow’s global citizens.
Design intent
What lessons learned through this project have been used to improve subsequent projects?
The building’s ability to adapt for in-person learning early in the COVID pandemic was a significant lesson learned. With direct access to the outdoors, the Environmental Center classrooms could have increased natural ventilation, and students were able to spread out while still maintaining visual connection to the teacher. We are sharing these lessons on flexible and adaptable classrooms with our other school clients.
If a post-occupancy evaluation was conducted, describe the process and outcomes.
Monthly energy and water use data has been collected since the project was completed in January 2021. Water use reduction for the first complete year of occupancy was 89% below baseline. The building energy use to date indicates the building will meet our goal of net zero operational energy on an annual basis. An online post-occupancy survey was provided to the building users in May 2022, capturing one full school year of regular use. The results reflect an overall satisfaction with the building’s thermal comfort, acoustics, indoor air quality, and natural daylighting.
If a post-occupancy performance testing was conducted, describe the process and outcomes.
Post-Occupancy Evaluation Score: 70
Transparency Score: 100
Commissioning Score: 40
Feedback Score: 80
The building was designed to provide flexibility and adaptability in both the short and long terms. In the short term, teaching spaces are easily adaptable to evolving curricula and technologies. Overhead electrical cord reels in each classroom accommodate a variety of desk configurations. The simple building plan was generalized to the greatest extent possible, allowing for future adaptation in the long term, including possible housing.
In response to climate change, the heat pumps can be easily adapted to cool the classrooms as temperatures rise. The fresh air ventilation system has filters that can be easily replaced with HEPA filters when air quality is poor due to increasingly frequent wildfires. Construction was underway in 2020 when the COVID pandemic unfolded, and schools across the country shifted to remote learning. The Nueva School, recognizing the negative social impacts of remote learning, adapted the Science and Environmental Center to accommodate in-person learning in January 2021. Outdoor education spaces became extensions of the classrooms, allowing students to spread outdoors while maintaining visual connection to teachers. The outdoor spaces also accommodated simple recreation and lunch activities for students.
Design intent
In what ways does the design anticipate climate change over the life of the building?
In response to climate change, the heat pumps can be easily adapted to cool the classrooms as temperatures rise. The fresh air ventilation system has filters that can be easily replaced with HEPA filters when air quality is poor due to increasingly frequent wildfires.
How does the design anticipate restoring or adapting function in the face of stress or shock, such as natural disasters, blackouts, etc.?
Earthquake hazard
The school voluntarily upgraded the project to meet the strictest seismic design requirements, providing for long-term resiliency after a significant earthquake.
Wildfire hazard
The project is located in a wildland-urban interface zone, so the project incorporated design strategies to harden the building against damage, including non-combustible concrete and steel construction, a fire sprinkler system, and one-hour fire-rated exterior skin assemblies.
Research Score: 90
Resiliency Score: 33
The building can be used as a safe harbor to support the community during a crisis. The building classrooms are designed to be locked down in the event of a crisis on campus.
Through passive sustainability, the building can function for eight hours. The classrooms have ample daylight and natural ventilation. The building is not designed to house students overnight, so passive survivability is limited to one day.
Project team & Jury
Year of design completion: 2018
Year of substantial project completion: 2021
Gross conditioned floor area: 8,630 sq. ft.
Number of stories the building has: two
Project site: previously developed land
Project site context/setting: suburban
Annual hours of operation: 1,575
Site area: 37,115 sq. ft.
Total annual users: 168
Commissioning: Red Car Analytics
Engineer - Acoustical: Charles Salter Associates, Inc.
Engineer - A/V: The Shalleck Collaborative, Inc.
Engineer - Civil: BKF
Engineer - Dry Utilities: Urban Design Consulting Engineers
Engineer – MEP Design Assist: Point Energy Innovations
Engineer - Electrical Design Build: Cupertino
Engineer - MP Design Build: Air Systems
Engineer - Structural: Murphy Burr Curry, Inc.
General Contractor: W.L. Butler
Laboratory Design: Hera, Inc.
Landscape Architect: CMG Landscape Architecture
Waterproofing: WJE
Katie Ackerly, AIA, Chair, David Baker, Oakland, Calif.
Julian Owens, Assoc. AIA, Jacobs, Arlington, Va.
Seonhee Kim, AIA, Design Collective, Baltimore
Avinash Rajagopal, Metropolis, New York
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