Education Facility Design Award
Celebrates state-of-the-art learning environments

For more information on opening and deadline dates, please see the AIA Awards FAQ.
Celebrating state-of-the-art learning environments
As education continues to evolve, we must evaluate and measure our successes, and have an arena in which to test ideas. The Education Facility Design Award provides an opportunity to engage in critical evaluation and experimentation, not as an end in itself, but in the context of our clients and their needs.
Recognized projects represent state-of-the-art learning environments, including early childhood, K-12, alternative, community and technical colleges, schools of higher education, corporate or other specialized training centers, and non-traditional learning environments such as community centers, museums, libraries, nature centers, and interpretive centers.
This award program is sponsored by the Committee on Architecture for Education, an AIA Knowledge Community.
Questions? Email AIA Awards
All entries must meet the following requirements:
- Projects may include new construction, additions, and renovations.
- Entries are limited to projects that have been completed since January 1, 2019.
For more information on opening and deadline dates, please see AIA Awards FAQ.
Entry fees
Single project submissions are $450 each. Submitting the same project to additional award categories costs an extra $100 per category.
Award criteria
Awards of Excellence will be given to registered architects whose projects represent exemplary practice in all five of the following areas of educational facility design:
- Enhances the client's educational program.
- Integrates functional needs and aesthetic considerations while respecting the surrounding community and context.
- Represents the planning and design process.
- Shows an understanding of the connection between the built and natural environment.
- Demonstrates an integrated and holistic approach to sustainability.
Awards of Merit may be given to other registered architects for superior quality projects.
The number of awards given will be at the sole discretion of the jury, based on the number of projects it deems to represent exemplary practice. The jury also has the discretion to waive requirements to meet all five areas to award projects they deem as being exceptional in meeting the educational needs of students or providing an exemplary solution to an atypical design challenge.
Please note: Some components of the sample application are subject to change from the final version and are merely here to allow a submitter to view the major criteria prior to logging on to the awards platform. Please rely on the online awards platform for the final criteria.
This design awards program will offer architects, designers, and educational planners an opportunity to be nationally recognized. Your work will be displayed through a variety of channels, reaching an audience of school boards, private and public school administrators, facilities managers, and other client groups.
- A recipient-designed project board will be displayed at AIA and partner conferences, such as the fall CAE conference at EDspaces.
- Award-winning projects will be showcased on Postings will include the jury’s statement, project narrative, and a limited number of images.
- Some projects may also be featured in a number of publications, presentations, and conferences, or included in other CAE-sponsored media presentations.
- Recent coverage includes Fast Company, Business Insider, Building Design + Construction, Bustler, and ARCHITECT magazine.
Rashmi Vasavada, AIA, NOMA, Jury Chair
Derrick Adams, AIA, NOMA
Rachel Harrah
Irmak Sener, Assoc. AIA
2024 winners
Bard High School Early College, Perkins Eastman, Washington, D.C.
Cardinal Elementary School, VMDO Architects, Arlington, Va.
Collage Dance, archimania, Memphis
Chico State University Natural Sciences Building, SmithGroup, Chico, Calif.
Dartmouth College, Anonymous Hall, Leers Weinzapfel Associates, Hanover, N.H.
Frank and Maureen Wilkens Science and Engineering Center — Cape Cod Community College, Payette, West Barnstable, Mass.
John A. Paulson Center at NYU, Kieran Timberlake, New York
Lakeridge Middle School, Mahlum Architects, Lake Oswego, Ore.
Lanier High School Renovation, LPA, San Antonio
Maxine Frank Singer Hall, Ballinger, Swarthmore, Penn.
Mills Hall and the Gibbons Center for Arctic Studies, HGA, Brunswick, Maine
Northeastern University EXP, Payette, Boston
Robert W. Plaster Manufacturing Center, Dake Wells Architecture, Springfield, Mo.
University of Connecticut— Science 1 Research Center, Payette, Storrs. Conn.
View all 2024 winners
Past winners
Education Facility Design Award 2023
Contact us for information on prior years' winners.